The EBO Worldwide Network

The Chamber

With the support of the European Commission, Directorate General Enterprise and Industry the EBO Worldwide Network was created in 2001 between representatives of EU business associations and chambers of commerce in non-EU countries.

EBO Worldwide Network stands as the only organisation that represents European business interests in markets outside the European Union. It represents an active network in more than 54 key markets that serves European multinationals, as well as micro, small, medium and large companies.

European chambers of commerce and European business associations within the EBO Global Network work daily with European Union delegations around the world with the shared interest of supporting European companies.

The main objective of this network is to promote exchanges of views between these associations and their host countries and to establish closer relationships between the Commission services and these organizations raise awareness on EU policy priorities and activities and improve the market access for European business in Third Countries.

The EBO Worldwide Network, which extends to more than twenty countries around the world, aims at providing a lobbying, information and networking platform for European businesses worldwide.

The EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC)

The EU-ASEAN Business Council is the primary voice for European business within the ASEAN region. Recognised by both the European Commission and the ASEAN Secretariat, and accredited under Annex 2 of the ASEAN Charter, the EU-ABC serves as an independent body committed to promoting European business interests and driving policy and regulatory changes that enhance trade and investment between Europe and ASEAN.

The EU-ABC is dedicated to advancing the interests of its members through strategic advocacy initiatives that cover various sectors and topics. Our mission is to influence policy and regulatory environments to foster a sustainable and competitive business landscape in the ASEAN region.

The overarching objective of the EU-ABC is to promote changes in policies, rules and regulations so that European businesses can more easily invest and develop their businesses

in the region to the benefit of the local economies and populations as well as their own shareholders.

The EU-ASEAN Business Council aims to:

  • Advocate for European business interests in the ASEAN region

  • Push for the reduction and eventual elimination of barriers to trade

  • Facilitate trade and investment between Europe and ASEAN

  • Collaborate and interact with the ASEAN Secretariat and other related bodies

  • Contribute to and promote pan-ASEAN economic integration

  • Support the establishment of an EU-ASEAN free trade agreement, and FTAs between the EU and ASEAN Member States in the meantime.

South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk

A first line IP assistance service for SMEs from the European Union and the other Single Market Programme countries* that operate in or intend to access the South-East Asia market and that want to improve their global competitiveness.

The South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk supports small and medium sized enterprises from the European Union (EU) and the other countries of the Single Market Programme (SMP)* to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to South-East Asian countries, through the provision of free information and services. These take the form of jargon-free, first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property and related issues, plus training, materials and online resources.

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